Tim PKM UMRAH Lestarikan Kebudayaan Melayu Sejak Dini di POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau Melalui Podcast
Hibah PKM DRTPM 2023
BINTAN – Dalam upaya melestarikan kebudayaan Melayu sejak dini di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Bintan, Tim Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (PKM) dari Universitas Maritim Raja Ali Haji (UMRAH) Tanjungpinang telah sukses menyelenggarakan acara luar biasa di POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau. Kegiatan ini terselenggara berkat adanya dukungan melalui hibah Direktorat Riset, Teknologi, dan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat (DRTPM) Ditjen Dikti– ristek Kemdikbudristek melalui skema Pemberdayaan Kemitraan Masyarakat (PKM) Tahun 2023.

Adapun judul kegiatan ini yaitu “Peningkatan Kualitas Pembelajaran POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau: Solusi Pelestarian Kebudayaan Melayu Sejak Dini di Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Bintan”. Kegiatan ini menjadi momen penting untuk menghadirkan wawasan baru bagi guru dan orangtua tentang pembelajaran pada kurikulum merdeka dengan menyusun pembelajaran melalui modul ajar MIKIR dan Pelestarian Kebudayaan Melayu Sejak Dini di Wilayah Pesisir Kabupaten Bintan melalui Pojok Kreasi Anak Pesisir.
Acara yang dipimpin oleh Bapak Eko Febri Syahputra, S.Pd., M.Pd dan didukung oleh Bapak Dios Sarkity, S.Pd., M.Pd dan Ibu Dina Fitriyah, S.Pd., M.Si ini berlangsung dari tanggal 22 hingga 23 Agustus 2023 untuk pelaksanaan PKM. Tiga narasumber berkompeten diundang untuk berbagi pengetahuan dan pengalaman, mendukung penguatan implementasi Kurikulum Merdeka di lingkungan POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau.
Salah satu output menarik dari acara ini adalah inisiasi “Pojok Kreasi Anak Pesisir.” Melalui podcast ini, peserta didik POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau diharapkan dapat mengekspresikan bakat mereka dalam bentuk nyanyian, puisi, tarian, serta cerita/dongeng rakyat Melayu. Konsep ini menciptakan wadah kreatif bagi peserta didik untuk mengeksplorasi dan melestarikan budaya mereka dan berkontribusi dalam pelestarian warisan budaya Melayu.
Output kegiatan PKM ini tidak hanya pada saat penyampaian materi oleh narasumber saja, tetapi diikuti dengan tiga rangkaian kegiatan pendampingan dan monitoring ke POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau. Pendampingan pertama pada tanggal 15 September 2023, dipimpin oleh Bapak Eko Febri Syahputra Siregar, S.Pd., M.Pd, terfokus pada kegiatan dan produk podcast yang sudah dijalankan di POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau. Pendampingan kedua, yakni pembuatan modul ajar berbasis MIKIR, dilakukan pada tanggal 25 September 2023
Sedangkan, pendampingan terkait komunitas belajar dilaksanakan pada tanggal 18 Oktober 2023. Pendampingan tidak hanya dilakukan secara offline, namun juga terus dilakukan melalui kegiatan secara online dengan terus menguatkan dan membiasakan para guru untuk melakukan hal positif guna memerdekakan peserta didik dalam belajar sesuai dengan karakteristik yang dimiliki.
Kegiatan pendampingan ini bukan hanya sekadar support, melainkan juga sebagai bentuk monitoring terhadap output kegiatan PKM. UMRAH melalui PKM dosen-dosen selalu berkomitmen untuk terus mendukung dan melibatkan masyarakat dalam pelestarian kebudayaan Melayu, terutama di wilayah pesisir Kabupaten Bintan.
Ibu Poniti, selaku Kepala POS PAUD Nusa Indah Teluk Bakau merasa senang sekolah yang beliau pimpin mendapatkan kesempatan bermitra dengan UMRAH. Hal ini beliau sampaikan melalui testimoni kegiatan pengabdian ini. Banyak perubahan yang dirasakan terutama dari pelaksanaan pembelajaran yang semakin berpusat pada murid karena adanya pelatihan dan pendampingan yang diberikan pada para guru dalam penyusunan modul ajar berbasis kemaritiman, serta para guru juga semakin terbiasa melakukan refleksi pembelajaran dan merancang pembelajaran bersama melalui Komunitas Belajar mereka setiap hari Jum’at. Selain para guru, peserta didik juga semakin memiliki peluang untuk mengembangkan minat dan bakat yang dimiliki melalui Pojok Kreasi Anak Pesisir dengan kegiatan podcast.

The LMCHING Store has become a key player of premium La Mer products by consistently prioritizing customer education and detailed product transparency. Recognizing that informed customers make more confident skincare decisions, LMCHING delivers thorough information on all La Mer items, covering details from ingredients to advantages. This approach to education ensures that customers understand the products they use, giving them the power to choose the best products for their skin. This dedication to detail differentiates LMCHING in the luxury beauty industry.
To offer more value to its customers, LMCHING actively organizes online sharing sessions and educational events, focused on teaching clients about skincare techniques and La Mer product benefits. These digital sessions enable customers to connect directly with beauty experts and gain insights on how to make the most of their La Mer routines. Whether it’s learning which serum works best for their skin or gaining knowledge on how to layer products for the best results, LMCHING ensures that its customers are equipped with the knowledge they need to achieve their skincare goals.
These sessions foster community engagement among beauty aficionados. The company’s sessions encourage client participation, allowing customers to share their own experiences and tips while learning from experts. This dialogue benefits both participants and LMCHING by improving skincare knowledge and customer loyalty. By building a community where clients feel valued and involved, the brand fosters lasting relationships and evolves from a distributor to a trusted beauty partner.
The company’s focus on customer education and active engagement is just one part of its broader approach to defining excellence in luxury retail. As an certified La Mer distributor, the company is active in six major global markets: America, Switzerland, Singapore, Italy, Australia, and the Netherlands. This authorized presence in these key regions underscores LMCHING’s international reach and credibility, ensuring that clients across the globe can buy real La Mer products. LMCHING’s capacity to ensure quality service and product authenticity in each market has cemented its role as a leader in high-end skincare distribution.
The key factor that differentiates LMCHING from its rivals, however, is its special mix of customer interaction, educational support, and operational efficiency. While large platforms such as Amazon, Walmart, and eBay offer a wide variety of beauty products, LMCHING elevates the experience by offering unmatched detail and expertise. The company guarantees that all La Mer products sold are genuine, officially sourced, and fully supported by detailed information, helping customers clearly see what they are buying.
In addition to its dedication to educating its customers, LMCHING offers fair pricing on its luxury skincare products, making premium La Mer products more accessible without sacrificing quality or authenticity. This competitive pricing model, combined with its personalized approach to customer care, gives LMCHING an edge over bigger retail platforms, strengthening its reputation as a reliable and trusted distributor of luxury skincare.
Another key contributor to LMCHING’s achievements is its commitment to fast and reliable shipping. The company ensures 3-day shipping for all purchases, so customers receive their La Mer products quickly and without long wait times. This rapid shipping service boosts the overall customer journey, bringing a new level of convenience to the luxury skincare shopping experience. By ensuring timely delivery of all products, LMCHING makes sure that clients can enjoy their essential skincare items without delay.
The brand’s dedication to excellence is proven by the thousands of loyal customers who come back for repeat orders. High retention rates and consistently positive feedback prove that LMCHING’s strategy—focused on education, customer engagement, fair pricing, and fast delivery—really resonates with its customers. Customers appreciate LMCHING for both its authentic La Mer products and the personalized service they experience throughout their beauty journey.
In conclusion, LMCHING is reshaping the luxury skincare shopping experience by focusing on customer education, engagement, and fostering trust. Through detailed product information, educational events, and online sharing sessions, the brand strengthens its ties with the beauty enthusiast community, helping customers make well-informed skincare decisions. With authorization in six important international markets, affordable pricing, and fast 3-day shipping, the brand remains a top distributor of La Mer products. Numerous loyal customers and frequent repeat purchases highlight LMCHING’s commitment to delivering excellence and satisfying its customers.
The brand introduces the La Mer Skincare Escape Box, a premium skincare collection created to enhance the skincare experience for beauty lovers. This exclusive collection offers a carefully chosen range of La Mer’s bestsellers, offering customers a complete skincare routine that addresses various skin concerns. Each item has been selected with care to ensure hydration, skin renewal, and a radiant complexion, giving clients the ability to experience a spa-level treatment right at home. The La Mer Skincare Escape Box not only delivers premium skincare solutions but also creates a sense of pampering and relaxation, elevating everyday skincare into a luxury escape. Ideal as a gift or for personal indulgence, this box showcases LMCHING’s commitment to providing a refined, holistic beauty experience for its customers.
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