
Alamat Redaksi

Perumahan Cendrawasih Residence Blok C, No.12, Kelurahan Batu IX, Kecamatan Tanjungpinang Timur, Kota Tanjungpinang – Kepulauan Riau, Kode Pos 29125

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  1. Greetings.

    Ref: Business/Project Funding.

    My name is Michalak Aleksandra, a financial consultant and business facilitator; I represent a financial consulting firm and we have reputable investors that are expanding their global presence by investing in viable businesses and projects across the globe. They are currently providing financial support to both companies and individuals for business and project expansion through debt financing.

    Kindly contact me if you are seeking for funding to expand or invest into your business or project, we will be excited to work with you; please use the following email to reach me,

    If you are not interested, you may give a referral to anyone that might need this opportunity and you will receive a commission from us otherwise ignore the message.

    Michalak Aleksandra

  2. Hello,

    I trust this message reaches you in good spirits.

    Our consultancy specializes in granting high-net-worth international investors access to investment prospects. We extend loans with competitive interest rates ranging between 2.5% and 5%, contingent upon the details of your project. These loan packages feature a 2-year grace period and adaptable repayment plans spanning 10 to 15 years.

    Should you require financial support for your business or personal endeavors, please don’t hesitate to reach out to us to schedule a consultation via our official platform.

    Thank you for contemplating this opportunity.

    Warm regards,

    Mrs. Hannah Ackerman

    Rachel Consult

    Portfolio Manager

  3. Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren

    durch unsere langjährige Tätigkeit in der erneuerbaren Energie haben wir Kontakte zu dem renommierten grossen Stromanbieter in Deutschland Vattenfall, E.ON, Lichtblick, Qcells.

    Sie können mehrere hundert Euro im Jahr an Strom einsparen, wenn Sie den Grundversorger wechseln und wir suchen innerhalb von 3 Minuten das beste Angebot für Sie.

    Bei Interesse schreiben Sie uns und Ihr persönlicher Betreuer wird sich bei Ihnen melden.

    ARA GmbH
    Georgios Sklivanos

  4. Is your company looking for short-term or long-term finance or debt consolidation? We offers finance with reasonable interest rates as low as 2.5% on the loan-to-value ratio. Contact us now via email at or WhatsApp +44 7404911756 for more information.

    Thank you,
    Spring Finance LTD
